Site Safle

Oriel Wrecsam Gallery, off site
Adeilad Newton & Arkwright, Dance4 Nottingham
AterTeatr Pederoa, Val Badia
Galeri, Doc Victoria Docks, Caernarfon
Orizzonti Verticali San Gimignano, Tuscany
CellB Blaenau Ffestiniog


Projects are developed with a wide range of artists and performers over time. Each year new narratives are formally composed and made adaptable to diverse casts, contexts and architecture, prompted through workshops. Performances remain flexible and adaptable to local reality, continually evolving and remaining sensitive to the particularities of a place, always to encourage a welcoming.

Each work is reconsidered for the space it is performed at, all doors kept open to reveal a space beyond that of the performance; entries, path ways and exits choreographed according to an architectural structure; the space is taken down to its bare structural minimum, reveling floor surfaces, walls, windows and doorways; where ever possible daylight is the only source of light. From inside to out, a simple transition, to follow an architectural suggestion.

The body a whole emotional structure, standing in the world in relation to other things; tipping perspectives from vertical to horizontal.

Regular spacing between dancers in repetition, becomes a metric time a regular beat or pulse; when space is kept regular, whatever is irregular becomes more noticeable

To open an umbrella, a ball in a hand, a blink of an eye, every action is an action of the body, even the voice.


Mae prosiectau yn cael ei datblygu i gynnwys amrywiaeth eang o artistiaid a pherfformyr dros gyfnod o amser. Bob blwyddyn mae naratifau newydd yn cael eu cyfansoddi yn ffurfiol, yn addasu i gastiau amrywiol, cyd-destunau a phensaerniaeth. Perfformiadau yn parhau i fod yn hyblyg, gan newid i gyd-fynd ag anghenion a nodweddion penodol lle, bob amser i annog croeso .

Mae pob perfformiad yn cael ei ail-ystyried ar gyfer y gofod lle caiff ei berfformio, ac ym mhobman, lle mae’n bosib sicrhau hynny, golau dydd yw’r unig olau. Cedwir pob drws yn agored i ddangos gofod tu hwnt i’r perfformiad; mynedfaoedd, llwybrau ac allanfeydd yn cael eu llunio’n rhan o’r coreograffi yn ol siap pensaerniol, dilyn ei awgrymiad or tu mewn i’r tu allan, pontiad syml.

Y corff yn strwythyr emosiynol, sefyll yn y byd mewn perthynas i betha eraill; newid persbectif or fertigol ir llorwedd.

O gael eu gosod gyda gofod cydradd rhyngddynt, mae’r dawnswyr yn troi’n amser metrig, guriad new bwls rheolaidd. Drwy hynnu, mae unrhyw beth sy’n afreolaidd yn cael ei amlygu.

Agor ambarel, pel mewn llaw, amrantiad. Pob gweithred yn un gan y corff-hyd yn
oed y llais.

Produced by / Cynhyrchwyd gan
Dance4 & Sioned Huws