© Jun Matsuyama
Utagiri Kyodekukan
Since 2014 Sioned has studied and continues to dance the Deer Dance of Iwate, Japan, with dancers of Kakinaizawa Shishi-odori Gyouzan-ryu. Her current project Odori-Dawns-Dance in collaboration with traditional and contemporary dancers and choreographers’ reveals the poetry of dance and community, as a large family, an aggregate, the situations, and the friendships. With a particular focus to the Shishi-odori, an animistic ritual dance, a prayer in action, derived from the complexity of community, landscape and mythology. Our dance stories passed on through generations, living with the natural world, in harmony, discord and everything in-between, even nowadays. Dance reaffirms the ground we stand on ‘Asobe waga tsure’ – ‘Come lets play my friends’ Deer Dance song words.
2016-18 In collaboration with choreographers – Zan Yamashita, Reina Kimura, Rie Wakabayashi, actress and performer Honami Shimizu and Kakinaizawa Shishi-odori.
2016-17 Mewn cydweithrediad â choreograffwyr – Zan Yamashita, Reina Kimura, Rie Wakabayashi, actores a pherfformiwr Honami Shimizu a Kakinaizawa Shishi-odori.
February Monday 12 Chwefror Llun 12
February Thursday 15 Chwefror Iau 15
Joshibi Arts University, Tokyo
Workshops Gweithdai
February Saturday 17 Chwefror Sadwrn 17
February Sunday 18 Chwefror Sul 18
TPAM Fringe – Performance Presentation
Tokyo Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama
BankART Studio NYK 3B Gallery
December Sat/Sun 2 – 3 Rhagfyr Sad/Sul 2-3
Workshops Gweithdai
Sugimura Jun Museum, Miyagi
December Sunday 10 Rhagfyr Sul 10
Performance Presentation
September Saturday 23 Medi Sadwrn 23
Hakoneyama Terrace, Rikuzentakata
S-AIR & Rikuzentakata – AIR (Artist in Residency)
Odori Dawns Dance
Kakinaizawa Shishi-Odori Deer Dance
October Sunday 29 Hydref Sul 29
Nourinkaikan Cultural Festival,
Tref Sumita Town, Iwate
September Saturday 9 Medi Sadwrn 9
Hanamaki Shishi Odori Festival
Hanamaki City, Iwate
August Sunday 13 Awst Sul 13
Second Obon – Ikou
Nakazawa Tref Sumita Town
August Sunday 14 Awst Sul 14
Obon Ikou
Nakazawa Tref Sumita Town 10am
Magoshi Yahagi Rikuzentakata 11am
September Saturday 10 Medi Sadwrn 10
Gwyl Hanamaki Shishi-Odori Festival 2pm
November Sunday 6 Tachwedd Sul 6
Gwyl Kesen Folk Performing Arts Festival
Nourinkaikan Tref Sumita Town
Tref Sumita Town, Iwate Japan
November 4th – December 12th Tachwedd 4ydd – Rhagfyr 12
Presentation Cyflwyniad:
Sunday 11 December Sul 11 Rhagfyr
Ysafell Shukaijo Room Kakinaizawa
Morishita Studios Tokyo
January 16 – 29 Ionawr 16 – 29
Choreographers: Sioned Huws, Zan Yamashita, Reina Kimura, Honami Shimizu, Kakinaizawa Shishi-Odori
Presentation Cyflwyniad: Sunday 29 January Sul 29 Ionawr
Morishita Studios
Critical Path Sydney Australia
February 1 -19 Chwefror 1 – 19
Odori-Dawns-Dance and Aomori Aomori
Choreographers: Sioned Huws and Reina Kimura
Research, workshops and presentations.
Critical Path
Dance4 Nottdance 2017
Odori-Dawns-Dance: Forest and Clearing
Saturday Sunday 11 & 12 March Sadwrn Sul 11 a 12 Mawrth
Residency Preswylfa: February 26 Chwefror – March 12 Mawrth
Choreographers Sioned Huws, Reina Kimura, Honami Shimizu and local communities.
ARTizan, Rikuzentakata Artist in Residency Program, Dance4, Critical Path, Joshibi Arts University, De Montford University, The Saison Foundation, The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Arts Council of England, SOMPO Art Fund Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc, and Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan, Woollahra Municipal Council and Australia Council for the Arts.