Rikuzentakata Continous Project

Forming new ideas and collaborations, re-framing an understanding of traditional performing art forms of Tohoku, Japan.

Ffurfio syniadau a chydweithio newydd, ail-fframio dealltwriaeth o ffurfiau celfyddyd perfformio traddodiadol yn Tohoku, Japan.

© Jun Matsuyama

Landscape Memory Person Place
Tirwedd Cof Person Lle

Our physical orientation
Ein cyfeiriadedd corfforol

Three Dances Three Places
Tair Dawns Tri Lle




Jangara Nenbutsu-odori


Kakinaizawa Shishi-odori

AIR-Rikuzentakata Artist in Residency 2013-14
Is an initiative that aims to bring domestic and overseas artists who are drawn to Tohoku, Northeast Japan, to reside in it’s community and while nestled among the lives of the residents, gather important memories and record their experiences. Mediated through video, music, photo and dance connecting traditions with the present.
Program Director: Teiko Hinuma

Artist Preswyl AIR-Rikuzentakata 2013
Mae’n fenter sy’n amcanu at ddenu artistiaid cartref a thramor i Tohoku, Gogledd Ddwyrain Japan, i breswylio yn ei chymuned am gyfnod ymysg bywydau ei thrigolion, casglu atgofion pwysig a chofnodi eu profiadau. Cyfryngir drwy fideo, cerddoriaeth, lluniau a dawns gan gysylltu traddodiadau â’r presennol.
Cyfarwyddwr y Rhaglen: Teiko Hinuma